SHIRT: American Apparel JEANS: Old Navy SHOES: Converse BAG: Louis Vuitton (Big Sister's) NECKLACES: Forever 21 BLAZER: Nordstrom
Hey guys, sorry that it has been a long time since I last posted, I have been sick the past couple weeks and I just had Spring Break, so I went to visit my aunt in Salt Lake City. As we are getting ready for spring to come; I have come up with some outfits that are perfect for spring. They are bright and fun but still modest. For this outfit I chose a more comfy look; with the boyfriend jeans and gray tank it was a pretty laid back look. When I added the black blazer it gave the look a professional feel to it. Now I love my color and this time it brought together the whole look. By adding the stacked blue necklaces and the sea foam blue converse it made the look stand out for spring.
Happy Spring everyone!